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Concordia University Irvine

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership

School of Education

Preparing Transformative Leaders

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.领导力是一个研究生课程,专为像你这样想在教育或行政领导方面发展事业的专业人士而设计. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的综合课程提供领导力方面的实践指导,以便您可以指导不同的学习型组织不断改进和持续有效. Through your study of theory and applied research, you will come to embody the knowledge, character, and skills needed to be a catalyst for change. Because your lives are busy, our coursework offers flexible and convenient scheduling online, along with an integrated dissertation track, while retaining the benefits of face-to-face interaction. 研究生可以从领导力教育博士学位提供的三个专业领域中进行选择: Educational Administration, Organizational Change or Special Education.

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Program Highlights

  • 3 Areas of Specialization: Graduate students choose from Educational Administration, Organizational Change or Special Education.
  • Blended Delivery Option: Concordia’s Ed.D. provides a flexible delivery system that utilizes face-to-face, on-campus classroom sessions; real-time, online video conferencing; and self-paced learning modules.
  • Fully Online Option: For students who do not live near campus, 我们提供在线远程学习选项,利用同步和异步交付.
  • 3 Years to Complete每门课程的典型学期长度为8周,这样你就可以在33到36个月内毕业.
  • Student Cohorts: You will belong to a small cohort strategically arranged to facilitate interaction and learning among your fellow students and faculty.
  • Integrated Dissertation Track您将享受个性化的学习计划和高级教师的支持, designed to guide you through the dissertation process.
  • Fieldwork Experience:课程中包含了教育旅行,以增强您对政策的理解, law, and culture affect learning organizations.
  • Experienced Christian Educators博士课程可以与致力于教育和教学实践的教师进行频繁的实时互动,以更好地满足每个学习者的需求.
  • Competitive Price per Unit: The Concordia Ed.D. is priced near or below other Ed.D. 南加州的项目和学费被“锁定”三年.
  • Clear Administrative Services Credential Program:在奥兰治县教育部注册在任何时候,并通过康考迪亚大学欧文完成你的课程要求.

Instructional Learning Options: Blended or Fully Online

Blended delivery icon

我们相信经常与同学和老师进行实时互动是很有价值的. 我们的教育博士课程通过混合或完全在线的教学方法提供. This means less or no time on campus, more time online, and the flexibility to fit continuing education into your home, family, and work life.

Our blended delivery option utilizes face-to-face, on-campus classroom sessions; real-time, online (video conferencing) learning sessions; and self-paced learning modules. 我们的完全在线选项使用最先进的技术,将学生和教师聚集在实时电话会议和24/7学习模块上. 这两种选择都为学生提供了一个宽松的学习环境,鼓励学生和教师在每个学期之间进行互动和学习.

You will also enjoy the experience of educational travel. The Ed.D. field work is a continuation of your learning, providing a rich context for applying your academic knowledge, a social laboratory to conduct project observation and research, 以及一个建立和加深与同辈同学关系的环境.

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Cohort Membership to Promote Success

在线博士课程的学生集体完成一系列课程. 一起开始和完成课程的共同目标鼓励学生们一起工作, 哪一个促进了个人关系的发展和职业网络的建立. 群组成员使学生能够相互支持并向其他学生学习, 提高期望,所有的学生将努力完成课程的成功.

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Curriculum and Integrated Dissertation Track

博士课程的目的是培养体现知识的变革性领导者, competencies, 以及指导组织走向持续改进和持续有效性的必要技能. 该计划通过严格的综合课程来实现这一目标,重点是领导力的理论和应用研究, 强调系统思维的分析能力的发展,适用于动态和多样化的学习型组织.

论文跟踪的目的是让学生沉浸在研究从开始到完成该计划. 在课程开始时开始研究过程可以让学生将他们的课程主题整合到他们的学习中, 并允许他们通过论文的步骤不断进步. In addition to a dedicated advisor, and the support of the dissertation committee, 研究基准在整个课程中整合,以确保您有一个适当的基础来建立.

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Educational Trips

Concordia’s Ed.D. 该项目在课程中整合了两次教育旅行:一次是到华盛顿特区的必修课.C., and an optional international trip, most recently to the People’s Republic of China.

United States Capital

Washington, D.C.

康考迪亚大学的博士课程在课程中整合了教育旅行,以增强您对政策的理解, law, and culture affect learning organizations. You will travel to Washington, D.C., and meet with government officials to discuss standards, policies, 以及目前在国家层面指导决策的实体,以及政治因素如何影响教育政策.

Forbidden City

People’s Republic of China

You can also choose to travel to the People’s Republic of China 与中国同事和学生互动,对不同的教育体系进行比较分析,并找出适合融入当地教育体系的可取之处. 这些旅行还为学生和教师提供了在队列中建立社区意识和同志情谊的机会.

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Ed.D. Spotlight

members of the EdD program talking


康考迪亚教育学院被加州教育部选中,为一个新的全州实体进行重大评估, the California Early Childhood Special Education Network (CalECSE). Concordia received a $150,为这项工作提供1万英镑的资助,同时还将资助4名博士生作为研究人员.

Belinda Dunnick Karge

Belinda Dunnick Karge: Publishing To Improve Mentorship

Belinda Dunnick Karge, PhD, on the doctoral faculty in Concordia University Irvine’s School of Education, has collaborated on a number of recently-published papers, 主要是与康考迪亚大学欧文分校的博士校友或学生合作. Full Story

Reyes Gauna

Reyes Gauna: From Orchards to Educational Leadership

Dr. 雷耶斯·高纳(Reyes Gauna)是北加州拜伦联合学区的负责人. He may have a big title and a ton of responsibilities, but Dr. Gauna says he never forgets his humble beginnings. Dr. Gauna started out as a school custodian in a nearby district. He held that job for four years while he was in college, then worked his way up to campus safety monitor. He was then inspired to become a teacher, and next, an administrator. Full Story

Nnenna Okpara

Nnenna Okpara: Empowering Her Community

Nnenna has been working in Special Education her entire career. 她最近的职位是一个大型城市学区的项目专家, she is actively involved with teachers, administrators, 以及家长们在满足她所在地区有特殊需要的孩子的需求方面. 她在赌博十大平台排行的课程不仅让她掌握了支持社区的实用技能,还帮助她了解了教育需要具备的全球影响力. Full Story

Dissertation: 特许学校管理者有效包容实践视角的混合方法研究

Vendetta Dozier Brown

Vendetta Dozier Brown: A Passion for Literacy

Long before Concordia, as a teacher and administrator, Vendetta热衷于为她所在学区的孩子们发声,并特别直言不讳地指出孩子们的阅读和写作水平达不到可接受的水平. 她在尔湾康考迪亚大学的时光加深了她对这个问题的热情, 并激励她继续在她的社区工作,以提高识字率. Full Story

Dissertation: 共同核心时代学生写作能力的提高:显性预写指导的有效性与教师的看法, Perceptions, and Concerns Regarding Implementation

Vonda Rogers

Vonda Rogers: Stepping Out in Faith

当我们想到要和中学生呆上一整天时,大多数人都会感到畏缩,但旺达不会. 她一直对青少年有一颗同情之心,对平等和公平充满热情. 这种结合使这位中学科学教师成为她所在的大城市中学校园里一股强大的变革力量,她正在向她的整个社区宣传文化和相互理解的必要性. Full Story

Dissertation: 灵性与青少年同伴受害的观点和经历之间的关系

LaVonne Riggs

LaVonne Riggs: Engaging in Restorative Practices

LaVonne has been sticking up for the underdog her whole life. 早在她来到康科迪亚之前,她就热衷于反对不公正,为那些没有发言权或被视为“不如”的人挺身而出.她目前的工作是帮助大学生在高等教育中实施恢复性实践. Full Story

Corinna Lee-Hathuc

Corinna Lee-Hathuc: Impacting Educators

从她记事起,科琳娜就一直想成为一名教育家. But growing up as the daughter of a teacher, 要区分她母亲的梦在哪里结束,她的梦在哪里开始,并不总是那么容易. 直到她走出课堂,进入行政部门,这个使命才成为她自己的使命. Full Story

William Nelson

William Nelson: Uplifting Students to Reach Their Goals

Will’s goal is to uplift his students, 给他们提供了比他年轻时更多的机会. 他坚信一个学生的成功远远超出了学生个人, but also impacts the students’ family and community. The more success a student has in school, 他们就越有可能在成年后的生活中获得成功——希望未来不那么依赖政府资源. Full Story

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Faculty Spotlight

康考迪亚大学拥有一支由经验丰富的基督教教育者组成的强大师资队伍,他们忠实于大学“赋予学生权力”的使命. . . for lives of learning, service, and leadership.“我们的博士课程的结构使学生和教师之间能够频繁的实时互动, in both face-to-face and online settings.

About the School of Education at Concordia

The School of Education has a rich tradition of training teachers. 我们的毕业生在世界各地教书,这是我们走向世界和服务的使命的一部分. Our Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)认证的课程目前在校园里为一千多名研究生和本科生提供服务, online, and in our regional cohorts in Temecula, Orange County, Los Angeles County and the Inland Empire. Concordia graduates are recognized as outstanding in their field.

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